Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Old Man Seth

From February 25, 2014, that's "Old Man Seth."  C.I. noted:

Seth Meyers explains, "Hey, I bombed last night as the new host of Late Night -- Late Night with Seth Meyers for now.  David Letterman was 35 when he created the franchise.  Conan O'Brien was 30 when he started hosting it.  Jimmy Fallon was 35.  Me?  I turn 41 this year.  The kids are going to love me!  Do not adjust your televisions, I just naturally happen to look like Lost In Space's Dr. Smith."  Donald Glover adds, "It's me Donald Glover.  I'm 30, funny and good looking.  So NBC remember me when you look for Seth's replacement.  Let's break the NBC color line."   Isaiah archives his comics at The World Today Just Nuts.

NBC will not hire a person of color to host their late night shows.

Have you noticed that?

And Seth is not funny.

He's too partisan and he's too freakish looking.

They should have gone with someone like Donald Glover.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Tuesday, January 31, 2017.  The daily outrage is necessary to fill so many empty lives, as we shall see below.

Let's talk about what's happened.

And let's call a group The Debra Messings because that instantly conveys insanity.

So you move into a neighborhood.  You paint your house, you move all your belongings in.

Then The Debra Messings see your things.

Well, they tell themselves, you seem okay there but you'd be much better there with a few changes.

So they break into your home and put things the way they'd have them.

And in the process, they destroy your home.

Although it's crumbling now and falling apart, suddenly they notice someone has moved in next to you and they're off to 'renovate' that home as well.

That's America.

That's what we've done.

We never dealt with the Iraq War.

It was a war based on lies and none of the liars faced charges -- let alone a Congressional investigation.

After the November 2008 election, we allowed the US media to 'retreat' or 'surrender.'

They began decamping from Iraq.

Before Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve of 2008 aired, ABC NEWS had already announced that they'd be rebroadcasting BBC NEWS clips to cover any developments in Iraq.

And the American people were okay with that.

Denial was the hallmark of Barack Obama's two terms as president.

And for all the talk on the left (my side) about accountability, there was none.

Not just no accountability for the leaders who were misleaders by voting for the illegal war or lying about it or any host of crimes.

But there was no accountability for what we, as a country, did to Iraq.

Every now and then Iraq Veterans Against the War would offer the crackpot idea that we should give money to the Iraqi government.

The government that persecutes the Iraqi people?  The government of exiles that came to power because of the illegal war?

That passed for 'paying attention' to Iraq.

And busybodies, The Debra Messings, can't feel good about themselves.

They're useless and their lives are meaningless.

Which is how you get the non-stop cry for war on Syria.

It's as though a new project will keep them busy.

In Iraq, the US fights the Islamic State and al Qaeda and in Syria?

It arms them.

But no one's supposed to be logical.

When this two-faced position leads to charges from the Arab world that we're funding and/or creating the terrorist menace, we tend to recoil with a how-dare-they look.

But what else should they assume?

We destroyed Iraq and then ignored it.

While still feeling we were the ones to save Syria.

President Donald Trump has put immigration on hold for seven countries while the regulations are re-examined.  Two of the countries are Syria and Iraq.

And this has resulted in a lot of crazy being let loose.

Interviewer: In 2011 President Obama banned people from Iraq—did that not concern you?

Protester: No because I loved President Obama.

Well how sweet for you.

The Cult of St. Barack drank the Kool-Aid but Jim Jones didn't dose it so they're still with us.

Passing themselves off as concerned and informed -- though, like most cult members, what they're concerned with and what they're informed about is highly questionable.

Yesterday I sat down with Jake Tapper to discuss my trip to Syria. View the full interview here:

We should not ban refugees from our country.  But we must address the root cause that is making people flee their homes— regime-change wars.

The people fleeing don’t want to live in a refugee camp - they would rather be in their homes, in their own country.

This is why we must end the counterproductive regime-change war in Syria that is causing tremendous suffering & death.

And we'll note this:

Veterans For Peace, a 140 chapter global organization that works to educate the causes and enormous costs and consequences of wars, this week endorsed the bipartisan Stop Arming Terrorists Act (U.S. House Resolution 608) that was recently introduced by U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2).
If passed in Congress and signed by President Donald Trump, the act would making it illegal for federal government funds to be used to provide certain types of assistance to groups identified as terrorists or those identified as working with terrorists, including other nations. The act defines assistance as weapons, munitions, weapons platforms, intelligence, logistics, training and cash.

“As veterans we took an oath to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States,” said Barry Ladendorf, president of Veterans For Peace. “The threat to the Constitution comes not from Russia, China or ISIL but from within the walls of Washington D.C. where the Congress and the Executive branch have enmeshed the country in ongoing unnecessary, illegal and unconstitutional wars.”
Gabbard, who is a major in the Hawai‘i Army National Guard, also served in Iraq as a military police officer. She currently serves on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees in Congress.

“Those who have seen and experienced war firsthand share a unique appreciation for the need for peace,” Gabbard said. “From Iraq to Libya and now in Syria, the U.S. has and continues to wage wars of regime change, each resulting in unimaginable suffering, devastating loss of life, and the strengthening of terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. I am grateful to have the support of Veterans for Peace for the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, and for their work to prevent the United States from continuing to pursue counterproductive, interventionist wars.”

Tulsi Gabbard's Stop Arming Terrorists Act is an important bill.

Maybe we could see some rallies for it?

As for what's going on right now, I wonder what people thought immigration was before this month?

They apparently have never heard the horror stories of the hoops that must be jumped through over and over just to go through the process as it already existed.

Donald is now president.  He has paused immigration from seven countries for a review period of the existing guidelines.

But it's being treated as though immigration is no more.

People need to calm the hell down.

“Now our family in the U.S. can’t even come to visit us, nor can we visit them"

90 days is the review period.

I think you can go 90 days without seeing family that are oceans apart.

I believe many Americans have had to go much longer.

If it bothers you that much, you can always go back to Iraq permanently.

And maybe you should do so if a temporary pause is going to cause you so much grief.

It is not as though you're in West Berlin and you're relatives have been relegated to East Berlin before the fall of the wall.

Calm down.

Iraqi Parliament Bans American Citizens’ Entry for 90 Days

It is so very good to know that the Iraqi Parliament can still pass something.

Took them forever to pass yearly budgets, for example, but it's good to know that they can come together -- in the face of a common enemy -- and do something.

America, of course, being the common enemy.

Even though it's the only thing that's kept the puppet governments in place in Iraq for the last years.

Bethan McKernan (INDEPENDENT) warns that this ban means that Lukman Faily is banned.

Now that's a loss.

Without him Tweeting insults at Sunnis from the Iraqi embassy in DC, who will fill the void?

Faily's actions -- not just his Tweets -- went against the Iraqi Constitution repeatedly.

However, we're the only ones who covered Faily regularly.

Now THE INDEPENDENT is interested in what he says.

How sweet.

In other obsessions passed off as news . . .

Donald Trump has had a fixation on Iraq’s oil—and America’s right to seize it—for at least six years.

But Donald Trump can't seize it.

A point no one seems to get.

It's already been taken by the corporations that want it and Iraq will be held in check (enslaved) forever thanks to the deals with the IMF and the World Bank.

Deals that Antonia Useless ignored but deals Grand Ayatolloah Ali al-Sistani warned against.


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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Medea Benjamin for Fake Ass Jeans

From February 24, 2014, that's "Medea Benjamin for Fake Ass Jeans."  C.I. wrote:

Medea explains, "Whether I'm advocating for continued war in Afghanistan or 'bird-dogging' Hillary while my partner Jodie Evans fund raises for Barack, I don't go anywhere without my Fake Ass Jeans." Valerie Jarrett delivers the tag line of the ad, "Oh, the smell of it!"  Isaiah archives his comics at The World Today Just Nuts.

CODEPINK did nothing for Iraq while Barack was president but one crap ass presentation in December of 2016.

They are fake asses, fake asses in fake ass jeans.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Friday, January 20, 2017.  Chaos and violence continue in Iraq but, faded celebs from a time gone by, insist that the real tragedy is here in the US as the country prepares for the inauguration of Donald Trump.

Today, Barack Obama passes the presidential baton to Donald Trump.

Places where they ain't thanking Obama: Flint Somalia Yemen Syria Libya Iraq Afghanistan Honduras Haiti Etc.......

Maybe Elton John can warble his "dead blondes" song (nod to Keith Richards) live over the internet to console The Cult of St. Barack.

Because Barack is leaving.

And if you doubt that, Antonia Juhasz has suddenly re-discovered Iraq.

For years, she's avoided it -- like the fake ass that she is.

Just another hostage to the Democratic Party, unable to speak for what's important.

How did she find Iraq?

With 'veterans' that mean old John McCain wouldn't meet with.

Did they have a meeting scheduled?


Are they his constituents?


Did they bother to make themselves presentable for a meet-up?

Some did.  A few guys wore suits.

Some needed to shave or trim their beards.

One woman in particular needed schooling on the dangers of clown make up in broad daylight.

But they showed up.

To cause trouble.

This is the same group of veterans who showed up at the RNC 2008 convention to disrupt and to make John McCain look bad.

(After getting punked by Barack at the DNC convention.)

So they've got no appointment, they're not his constituents and the last time they were around they were trying to ensure his defeat in the presidential election.

McCain would meet with them why?

They want headlines and they've certainly become the focus of Antonia's Twitter feed but then it's all partisan politics which is all cheap whores like Antonia can offer.

Remember how we wrongly took her seriously?

She produced that bad, plodding book. It was so poorly written, we took it for sincerity.

Why would a non-writer try writing for so many pages unless they were sincere?

Well if they're a former Democratic Party operative apparently their spots don't change.

There's  a 'resistance' in the country, and Anotonia wants to lead it.

Which is a sure sign that it'll go nowhere.

Need another sign?

Hollywood millionaire celebrities lead rally in NY. (Yawn)

I'll leave Alec out of it (I know and like Alec) but what a buffet of losers.

Mark thought he could elect Hillary by promising to go nude in his next film.

Apparently, he forgot that his nudity in IN THE CUT didn't help the box office.  Or that he's many years older now.

(And I believe he also flashed the goods in XX/XY.)

Michael Moore?  He looks more like Paula Poundstone every year.

A community member, an Iraqi refugee, e-mailed on the LA protest.  Jane Fonda will be there.  The member writes, "So she'll speak out against words hurting us but not bullets and bombs?"

That's right.

'Activist' Jane promised not to be silent on the Iraq War and then fell silent.

She, like the rest of the losers above, couldn't speak out against the ongoing Iraq War throughout the last eight years, or the illegal spying Barack was conducting, or the attack on Libya, or . . .

But someone they don't like is becoming president and they're going to stage photo ops and try to get their tired names back in the news.

Sally needs the work.  She's not Aunt Mae anymore (and never should have been -- it's "Aunt" Mae, not Great Grandma Mae) and MY NAME IS CLITORIS flopped because she couldn't keep her stupid politics out of promoting the film (although the film was poor to begin with -- no woman near retirement in this country would be encouraged to quit her job and go out and look for another when she has no skill set to speak of).  Sally needs to jump start her career.

Julianne Moore has no career.  Fiery supporting performances never led to stardom.

She couldn't carry a film 20 years ago and she still can't today.

Because of her politics, the Academy gave her an award for a so-so performance in a film no one will remember.  As she searches for roles in the streaming service world, even she knows she's a never-was.  She's Jeanne Crain with less camera appeal -- and for any who just said "who?" -- exactly.

So here they come, the same crowd that tried to tell American how to vote.

All they did was alienate a lot of people.

Adults know how to vote.

It's one thing to say, "I'm proud of Hillary and I'm voting for her.''

It's another to try to shame someone into voting for your political crush.

And now, in utter stupidity,they show up as Donald is being sworn in, to protest . . .


Because he's going to do things that demand protest.

And by upping the outrage factor with protests before he's even president, all these idiots are doing is making sure many Americans will tune out when actual protest for actual actions take place.

Way to go idiots.

And let's go back to those vets.

Because I'm thinking about Sally Field's Emmy acceptance speech and how she pretended to care about Iraq -- then lost all interest in it as Barack came into office.

And I'm realizing how many years ago that was.

I look at a number of the veterans protesting as young people.

They're not.

They've been out of Iraq for at least ten years now.

This Tweet provides perspective on the long, long ongoing Iraq War:

The Iraq War in 2003 can clearly remember every Teacher in School talking about it and I was only 5 at the time.

So as they protest McCain, I'm left to wonder, where the hell have they been as Barack's sent more US troops into Iraq, as Barack's bombed Iraq daily since August 2014?

Where the hell have they been?

I didn't start Iraq Veterans Against the War -- they did.

So I guess, in a John Kerry-like way -- they were against the war before they were for it?

And all of the above, where is their cry to stop the paranoia and fear of Russia?

The Russian government has not been proven to have done anything.

There is no evidence that it hacked the election or anything else.

Now I know Jane fell to the floor in Russia when Roger Vadim took her there and she had a panic attack because she was consumed by the Cold War fears.

Why in the world wouldn't she speak out now as idiotic Temple Prostitutes for Hillary try to restart The Cold War?

These losers want to pretend life was great the last 8 years when it truly was not.

Compare what the new pres. will (supposedly) do to the US to what the old one(s) did to Iraq and Afghanistan.


But they were silent because they were members of The Cult of St. Barack.

They moved on to become Temple Prostitutes for Hillary.

And they still damage the world.

Is it one of the planks of to demand provocative deployments of US troops on or near Russia's border?

Rachel Maddow is disgusting.

And it appears Hillary Clinton's legacy will be not just to be known as a loser but also to have re-started The Cold War.

If that happens, Hillary can rest assured that she will be ripped apart in history books.

The ridiculous person who couldn't concede an election and who allowed her supporters to whip up hysteria against another country because princess was too lazy to campaign.

I get tired of pointing out everything and wish others would.

But Bully Boy Bush was mocked by many -- I mocked him -- for his 2000 campaign and how he had to be home every night to sleep in his own bed as the campaigning wore on.

What a spoiled brat, right?

Well one reason Hillary was so ineffective on the campaign trail is she wasn't doing enough campaign events because, like BBB, she had to be home in her own bed.

She was lazy, she was corrupt.

All these idiots with their protests refuse to face reality.

Hillary refused to have an inspector general reviewing her.  In her entire term as Secretary of State, she had no IG.

This is a pattern with her.

That's why she did the private e-mail server.

That's why she deleted e-mails.

That's why she and others in her department stonewalled Congress throughout the end of 2011 and the start of 2012 in hearing after hearing.

Hillary will not allow for oversight.

And this is who you defend?

You don't take to the streets to defend the Iraqi people but a corrupt and whorish woman who claims she's devoted her life to public service -- while raking in millions and millions of dollars -- and who has cheered on every war she could is who you want to defend?

Jason Ditz (ANTIWAR.COM) reports:

The Obama Administration has made a habit of dramatically underreporting civilian deaths in its assorted military operations around the world, but took things to a whole new level in what will presumably be their last such document, claiming only one civilian killed all year in US drone strikes “worldwide.”
[. . .]
The most recent incident was in mid-December, when a US drone participating in Iraq’s invasion of the city of Mosul destroyed a house full of civilians, killing a family of nine. These of course are all just a fraction of the hundreds of civilians killed in US airstrikes over the course of 2016, but in many cases it remains uncertain if the strike was a drone or a manned aircraft, and similar systematic under-reporting of deaths by Centcom makes such determinations all but impossible.

The Iraqi people live in a war zone.

A US created war zone, please remember.

It is the height of indulgence and narcissism for Americans to focus on the 'tragedy' of a person being sworn in as president while ignoring the very real suffering in the world.

And for those who just can't get it through their skulls, take some advice from Aretha.

Get some pride and a deeper love and stop wallowing.

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